Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Leaving with Peace

Dear Quilt,
                This morning, I was reading in Matthew where Jesus was sending the disciples out on their mission and I read a line that I hadn’t really noticed before… “If the home (you have entered) is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you.” (Matthew 10:13)
                What a beautiful (and wise!) lesson.  Jesus knew his followers were carrying an unfamiliar message to the world. Opposition, confusion, pride, fear, and misunderstanding were sure to be reactions the disciples would face but so would apathy, distraction, and selfishness as well as the arrogant assumption that the historical “way” is the only way. As Jesus prepared the disciples, he warned them of obstacles they would face and he assured them that their needs would be met by God through people on the way.
This morning the peace verse seemed out of place. It stood out to me. A few verses later is the familiar “shake off the dust” instruction which has always seemed kind of harsh to me. (Grin!) But as I prayerfully considered what “let your peace return to you” could mean, this is what I came up with…
                In our new home, I have been struggling with making friends.  Maybe you just spoiled me since you are the best friend ever! Anyway, Husband and I have started having visitors and receiving invitations.  As we visit in someone’s home we share our peace there-
If there is conflict, peace can heal.
If there is fear, peace can deliver.
If there is need, peace can provide.
                But if the message of peace can’t or won’t be received… WE still leave with it!
                It is our job, as followers of Jesus, to carry the message of peace wherever we go, but we have no control over how the message is received. We do have control over the peace though! Have I practiced managing the gift of peace enough that I can leave a negative situation with peace still in my heart and mind?
In My Utmost for His Highest today, Oswald Chambers makes a bold statement: “The workshop of missionary munitions is the hidden, personal, worshipping life of the saint.” So that is my challenge right now. I desire to be so trusting of my Lord that no matter what happens, I know He will provide for me. I want to know with settled certainty that God loves my loved ones even more than me and He will not give up seeking their wayward hearts and minds. I want to reflexively rely on the Holy Spirit to put the perfect words and images in my head exactly when needed for clear communication. But most of all, I want to be so conscious of the Presence of God in my life that nothing else matters.
                And I think this is going to take practice! (Bigger Grin!)
                Hope your day is so full of peace you can’t help but rejoice!  I love you, Quilt!
I am doing it, Quilt! I feel as nervous and excited as a little girl riding her bike without training wheels for the first time! Exhilarated and terrified in the same breath! Sorry it took me so long to get on board. I also am delighted for this opportunity to communicate with you and share the thoughts zooming around in the parking lot of my brain.